Sunday, May 29, 2016

;'Together' Millenial's Check List for a Happy Life







Millenial blogger (or slightly older)  who seems real happy with his life (JA)... notes the above four values as most important on this #memorialdayweekend

A computer science student who says it was a big mistake that he went to college because everything has changed so fast and what he learned in college is no longer effective. Much of what he learned he could have learned at a startup computer company..  A down to earth  guy who made millions early building websites, then blew it all,- a guy who's packed in a lot in a short time, mostly successful self proclaimed geek  today, doesn't take himself too seriously


Friday, May 27, 2016

GOP Establishment 'Betwitched,Bothered and Bewildered', Time To Wake Up


GOP Establishment 'Betwitched,Bothered and Bewildered', Time To Wake Up

It's time for those remaining 13% of GOP 'establishment' (i.e. Mitt Romney, George Will, Karl Rove, Brent Bozell, Koch Brothers, etc to grow up, see the light, and band together unless they really want to see a third GOP loss in a row, especially to someone like sad sack Hillary, or even 'crazy' Joe Biden if the former gets indicted. As noted HERE Donald Trump - love him or not- has what it takes to win TODAY! He is the ideal candidate for TODAY.

Trump Not Perfect But the Ideal Candidate TODAY for GOP

   As much as many true GOP conservatives liked Ted Cruz -definitely, on paper, the ideal candidate- Donald Trump is the only one who can handle the media and get the votes needed to win in this media-driven reality-TV world.  Forget that the polls tell us he couldn't beat Hillary, he's coming up all the time while Hillary's numbers are dropping because he has what it takes in today's society - charisma, media savvy, and, yes,  nastiness. Sadly, the latter is probably a requirement today. Look how appealing candidates like Marco Rubio and Cruz went down; their awkward attempts at Trump's game failed.  No, Trump is not your usual politician - he doesn't have anywhere near the political experience of a Romney, McCain or Cruz- yet he has what it takes to win TODAY and will likely swamp sad sack Hillary , or whoever is his Democrat opponent.  We see  time and again how the left-leaning media are slapped down by Trump, who IS probably the only real media-saavy among the 17 original GOP candidates. For 'sour grapes' Romney, George Will, MRC Bozell, Bushes, etc and those who still can't take Trump's bombast, it's time to join rather than fight or you'll have a third GOP presidential loss in a row. Trump is, by far, the candidate FOR TODAY, light years ahead of McCain and Romney who both showed they didn't have the right stuff, TODAY (maybe in a different time).
Above caps on sale today

Friday, May 13, 2016


 The United States continues to be turned upside down with few speaking out and the media in its usual lockstep with  'Emperor-in-Chief' Barrack 'BO' Obama. The fact is that there are probably less than 1,000 transgender school kids in the U.S. who could be dealt with on an individual or state-by-state basis, but instead, BO is directing thousands of institutions to alter there restroom procedures for less than 1/10 of one percent of the population. Why is BO so concerned all of a sudden about an issue which never seemed to have a traction, let alone any vocal outcry. Perhaps since Bruce ne Caitlain Jenner has popularized the transgender issue Obama and company felt it would be another good radical issue to seize on.
      The fact is that BO is doing whatever possible to distract from his increasingly poor record as President and failing economy and programs. Meanwhile, he is able to get his sheep minions to follow virtually anything he does or says , witnessed by his surprising 53% approval rating. Yet, away from his loyal legions another 47% of the nation is hurting and being ramrodded with an ever-changing social scene, and frustrated by their own politicians who do nothing to counter the Great Obama.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Where Are Today's Good Shepherds, Heroes?

Where Are Today's Good Shepherds, asks Savage? Any Heroes Left? Yesterday there were Buckley,Friedman,Reagan,Churchill,Patton,MacArthur,Eisenhower... Do such men still exist and , if so, who are they? Trump, Cruz? Limbaugh,Savage,Alex Jones -those few not afraid to stand up and speak out against the new media industrial complex? In today's society where we have a President and Polititians who are just that, POLITICIANS who care more about expediency and getting 'theirs' than the good of the country. Where is the CIA accounting for the mounting governmental corruption as the country spirals down a path to possible no-return? Increasingly depressed Citizens have remained mostly silent out of frustration for the most part, except for the few outspoken by backing Trump or Cruz. Perhaps feeling helpless, few people today have stood up to the growing devolution in America and the World brought on by a new group of socialistic corrupters led by Barrack Obama and his ilk. Except for a few still small voices there may be littlel hope for what's left of America. #WAKEUPAMERICA