The Republican Party surrenders the process of a fair debate by allowing Democratic-leaning mainstream media including television's CNN, CNBC and any others but FOX to moderate and handle most of these debates. We've seen time and again moderators like Candy Crowley and Anderson Cooper ask leading questions OR fail to bring up key issues that may be deemed detrimental to the Democratic party. We see such moderators 'pit' candidates against each other on hot button issues that can only maKe the Republicans look bad. Key issues like terrorism and America's foreign relations are left out of questioning since it could have negative affect against what even many Democrats would consider the current administration's poor international record.
The media are even controlling advertising for the debate and who gets access to advertising and when. A guy named Harwood, a longtime Hillary Clinton defender who works for the New York Times and CNBC, will be key moderater in tonight's debate (10-28) on CNBC; Molly Hemmingway points in her FEDERALIST column today Harwood's many one-sided past 'news' items in her column today - SEE CNBC’s John Harwood Has No Business Moderating A GOP Presidential Debate The other strange issue is how the debate participants are determined by polls - and which polls?
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In the Lincoln - Douglas Debates, Abraham Lincoln noted that the issue of slavery would never go away and the issue was left to the Declaration of Independence. There would not have been a Lincoln Douglas Debate, as such, notes Mark Levin, , if the debates were moderated by a biased media. The Republican National Committee should embrace the Lincoln Douglas Debate that was NOT moderated by a news outlet of any kind. It would take serious negotiation by the RNC to come up with a fair plan; the RNC shouldn't be letting CNN , MSNBC, etc. control the debates. As a result the public, especially Republicans are denied REAL debates.
Debates have largely become marketing opportunities for soundbites to advance, primarily , the liberal agenda, while bringing in highest viewer ratings. There are three liberal media channels who control the debates as compared to the single FOX concernative-leaning channel. It seems that the Republicans, in an effort on to offend, continue to buckle to the media as they do in other areas. Rarely have we even heard this issue discussed anyware other than the Mark Levin radio program.
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