Thursday, December 10, 2015

Two Big Reasons Why Trump Is Running Away at Polls - GOP Mainstream Still Doesn't 'Get It'.

Ever wonder why almost all other candidates continue to rail against Trump as he only surges further ahead of them?  Sure, they want to see him slip up, but when it's obvious something about him is CONNECTING with the masses you'd think others might finally LEARN from him.

It's now become very clear that large segments of the U.S. population   are fed up with the current U.S. Administration, i.e. President Obama and his 'Merry Men.' Opposing candidates and the mainstream media have tried almost everything to derail Donald Trump but he only seems to get stronger. People complain about Trump's extreme stands and even abrasive nature but that's exactly what might be needed at this point.  Americans are tired of pussy-footing politicians. Only Trump, and perhaps Ted Cruz, have gone against the politically-correct grain and people love it. They're hungry for someone to finally go against the status quo.

We've 'told' our politicians in the last two mid-year elections that we're tired of the incumbent administration's ineptness, by  voting out so many of its leaders, yet even the Republican mainstream doesn't  'get it.'  You'd think the GOP opponents of Trump would finally realize that something he's saying is resonating with the people and start walking in his way, perhaps picking up some of his steam ala Ted Cruz - the one guy who is rising in the polls besides Trump.  

There's an old axiom in business bout not overtly criticizing your competition. You're giving 'free advertising' by bringing up their names and it can also make one look like a 'sore loser' - unless, of course, one is challenged by the opponent.

We see this in Trump's opponents continually taking jabs at Trump despite his followers' strong backing on even his most controversial stands, such as setting a moratorium on Muslim immigration.

A second example of  opposing candidates' narrow-mindedness are their  carefulness to pick and choose what TV and radio programs they will appear on, whereas Trump will go on virtually any and every show - even the liberal-leaning ones. The more the merrier. Why limit oneself to only a select number of publicity-generating media?  Doesn't make sense.. At this rate Trump will continue to run away with the numbers - all the way to the Presidency.


             Really hard to figure out the republican mainstream that would turn away from a very strong Presidential candidate that has the biggest slice  of the GOP voter pie in  his hands?  We can only believe it must come down to money and crony capitalism.  One such example might be seen in Republican candidate Marco Rubio and his strong connections to people like Larry Ellison of Oracle.   It may be true that Rubio and  others don't have the fortune of t deep pockets like Trump , but honesty should still win out over political expediency; Rubio and others will end up losers, anyway - and with what should be a bad conscious

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