It's now over 50 years since 'The Great Society' programs of Lyndon B Johnson that were supposed to bring the races together. While race relations definitely seemed to improve and crime went down for a couple decades following the late '60s -70s transition riots covering then Black Lives Matter (following MLK death) and the Viet Nam War. Now there's another war of a different kind that many seem to ignore but the racial strife has reared it's ugly head again. After billions of dollars thrown at problems including ill-fated busing and policing programs with only temporary solutions, race relations appear, perhaps, worse than in this writers memory- and that goes back some 60 years. We learned from these experiments that blacks really prefer to live among themselves and not artificially mix with whites - even though Obama is once again trying to integrate poor black families in upscale white neighborhoods such as in New York. Even after electing the first black President, who has gone on to throw millions more into programs to help blacks while doubling the national debt, the black population-according to stats-is unhappy as ever , with more animosity against the still majority white society. The funny thing is that it's only been the last 8-10 years, since Obama, that things have gotten really bad. It's easy to blame it on Obama's mis-directed 'hope and change' but we won't even go there now.
SOLUTION: With that in mind, why not make police forces in all inner cities composed of ALL BLACK/minority police officers. We don't really know that this will help but , at least, if it doesn't we'll know that it's NOT just about the white society - and then perhaps some reason can come to the fore of society to finally bring about cerebral, common sense change. Certainly not by everyone, but perhaps a few more in the black community will stand up and lead their people to true understanding. It's easy to call this a racist society, but rather than throw around labels, we must remember that we voted in a black president-twice. Yes, there are racists within society, but not the majority, by far. The 1950s and earlier WAS racist -even though folks seemed to get along better then- but, again, roughly 50% of the white population voted for a black president TWICE - despite the fact he had less experience than his rival white Republicans . It was a chance taken and result has been a more divided society than in memory. While many still like Obama (50% approval rating) they don't like the society he's helped change. So, just as Obama was worth a try, changing the police department is worth a try. At least it will close one opening for people to complain about . As it stands, we have no real leaders - including the President who appears to only be interested in leading certain segments of the population as the middle class disappears. Would-be leaders are mere 'puppets' like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson , not even respected by the majority of their own race. Of course, it would be nice if Obama would finally address the root problems of the races; perhaps in six months a new President will help. Seems as though it can't get worse- regardless if it's a white or black president.
So, what do you think? We'll turn this into a survey or you can answer this blog 'Yes' or facebook 'like' for yes and comment 'No' for no.
Just happened to hear in the news of his black Houston councilman who happens to advocate for all-black police forces for inner-cities like Houston. Maybe it's worth a try , what with everything else failing and nobody ever happy. See if Black Lives Matter is finally OK with this??? Let us know what you think by commenting below or on facebook:

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