Sad to say, One-time GOP star pundit GEORGE WILL may be relegated to the dung heap as an out of touch relic of yesterday's Republican Party. In an era when social media leads the way, Will tries to hang onto the past as he becomes less relevant while now supporting, of all people ...Hillary, after espousing a landslide victory for her. While other entrenched Republicans have 'come home' while seeing the mass' support for Trump, Will holds out along with a shrinking coterie of ...Ben Sass and Paul Ryan, the only two people he seems to ever mention/ support -other than Hillary.. Even Ryan may yet vote for Trump. Will doesn't even own a twitter account- in an age where social media rules- as he fades into obscurity. He couldn't stand up to the evils of CNN and George StephanAwfulus' Sunday morning show and now one wonders how much longer he will tolerate FOX similar Sunday show- or, rather, how long they will tolerate him. Meanwhile, he writes a column but not sure how many people still read it. Maybe back to baseball, George, but not sure if modern baseball wants you, either. One last thing, George. The PEOPLE selected Trump, from among 17 original primary candidates. A true Republican eventually comes back to the people's choice except for the few sour grapes like Will. Sad story but glad so many others have seen the light. Even Charles Krauthammer, perhaps Will's GOP 'mainstream' heir apparent, has shown support for Trump along with the many others- including former embittered Trump rivals Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio- who have 'come home' to Support their GOP candidate
Meanwhile, one of the few other lasting GOP defectors, John Kasich remains in his own private world, early voting for John McCain, of all people, who isn't even eligible and will be a wasted vote.
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