Thursday, December 10, 2015
Two Big Reasons Why Trump Is Running Away at Polls - GOP Mainstream Still Doesn't 'Get It'.
Ever wonder why almost all other candidates continue to rail against Trump as he only surges further ahead of them? Sure, they want to see him slip up, but when it's obvious something about him is CONNECTING with the masses you'd think others might finally LEARN from him.
It's now become very clear that large segments of the U.S. population are fed up with the current U.S. Administration, i.e. President Obama and his 'Merry Men.' Opposing candidates and the mainstream media have tried almost everything to derail Donald Trump but he only seems to get stronger. People complain about Trump's extreme stands and even abrasive nature but that's exactly what might be needed at this point. Americans are tired of pussy-footing politicians. Only Trump, and perhaps Ted Cruz, have gone against the politically-correct grain and people love it. They're hungry for someone to finally go against the status quo.
We've 'told' our politicians in the last two mid-year elections that we're tired of the incumbent administration's ineptness, by voting out so many of its leaders, yet even the Republican mainstream doesn't 'get it.' You'd think the GOP opponents of Trump would finally realize that something he's saying is resonating with the people and start walking in his way, perhaps picking up some of his steam ala Ted Cruz - the one guy who is rising in the polls besides Trump.
There's an old axiom in business bout not overtly criticizing your competition. You're giving 'free advertising' by bringing up their names and it can also make one look like a 'sore loser' - unless, of course, one is challenged by the opponent.
We see this in Trump's opponents continually taking jabs at Trump despite his followers' strong backing on even his most controversial stands, such as setting a moratorium on Muslim immigration.
A second example of opposing candidates' narrow-mindedness are their carefulness to pick and choose what TV and radio programs they will appear on, whereas Trump will go on virtually any and every show - even the liberal-leaning ones. The more the merrier. Why limit oneself to only a select number of publicity-generating media? Doesn't make sense.. At this rate Trump will continue to run away with the numbers - all the way to the Presidency.
Really hard to figure out the republican mainstream that would turn away from a very strong Presidential candidate that has the biggest slice of the GOP voter pie in his hands? We can only believe it must come down to money and crony capitalism. One such example might be seen in Republican candidate Marco Rubio and his strong connections to people like Larry Ellison of Oracle. It may be true that Rubio and others don't have the fortune of t deep pockets like Trump , but honesty should still win out over political expediency; Rubio and others will end up losers, anyway - and with what should be a bad conscious
Crony Capitalism,
deep pockets,
680,000 Green Cards Given Out by Obama in Four Years
Just in , Obama issued over 680,000 green cards to Muslims between '09 and '13 in Syria and other Middle East countries. ( and ) As for the number of Christians allowed into the United States, no doubt the number is much lower
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
New Benghazi Bombshell, Other Hillary Apparent Misdeeds Come Forth in New Emails
While about 50% or more of the country will support her candidacy for President next year, Hillary Clinton continues to be 'found out' almost daily with new factual specifics - now even in the mainstream media. Two separate Hillary incidents come forth from latest batch of emails
First, In what could be as big news or bigger than anything that came out of the recent Benghazi Select Hearings, we learn that at least two aides to Hillary had sent out emails the day of the Benghazi attack stating that military assets were in place to deal with the security issues at the Benghazi embassy and all that was needed were 'OKs' from the 'principles' - that would never come. Not only did Hillary not respond to these emails, despite taking a key phone call during the night. We also learn that Hillary had slept late the Saturday morning following the Benghazi attack and missed an key intelligence meeting, MORE
Yet, all we have heard from the Clinton forces prior to this discover is that 'everything was done' that could be done to help the Benghazi situation. Now we learn otherwise.
Credit Judicial Watch for uncovering the above emails, one of several that took over a year to attain. For the full story.
Second, in the same batch of emails we learned of yet a separate incident in which Hillary, while on duty as Secretary of State, intervened to help her son-in-law's company, Goldman Sachs, which was representing , Neptune Minerals,Inc,which was seeking approval for new sweeping Obama legislation involving scouring for minerals in international waters. Goldman Sachs had just contributed $225,000 to the Clinton foundation
The way things are going in the media these days it's doubtful that anything will come of this and Hillary will continue on her merry way in her run for President of the Uninted States
Thursday, December 3, 2015
Climate Change? What About All Those SUVs?
It occurred to me the other day that, despite what our President says/demands, are we really that serious about climate change seeing as every other person seems to be back in those gas-guzzling, polution making SUVs ? Not to mention, the increase in methane-producing cows due to our renewed interest in meat, among other 'comfort food ' that has made the US the fattest, more diabetic ever. . Is it really more serious than the terrorism threat that is now more than a threat? Does climate change (formerly called Global Warming until Al Gore got frozen out of a meeting one day) really cause terrorism as Bernie Sanders and others tell us?
Fat Cat Al Gore Hammered By Main Stream Media GLOBAL WARMING HYPOCRITE
'I get the criticism but I disagree with it,' says Al Gore. So, which is it Al? You can't agree and disagree at the same time. Typical politician I guess. Time for him to go back into winter hibernation. On second thought, I think he's been hibernating and hiding out in the Bahamas ever since he sold his Eco-TV Channel to oil-rich Al Jazeera for $500 million.
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
'I don't make music for eyes. I make music for ears. '- Adele
Adele spoke these words to '60 Minutes Australia' when asked about her looks. We thought music was always about hearing, but we know that's not true anymore. Listening is often secondary to videos since MTV and other visual media came on strong 20-30 years ago and continues today with VISUALs like American Idol and The Voice. . No wonder music has deteriorated ( our opinion and many others) as now an artist must have the 'right' appearance even more than the voice . When's the last time you saw an average-looking singer with a hit record? If they were trying to pick on Adele's looks that's pretty sad. Remember what Susan Boyle had to go through answering to her 'non-standard' looks; there are probably many Susan Boyles out there who don't want to go through what she had to. And, try to name three hit records this year. Again, the song and music has become secondary to the person and face.
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Monday, November 16, 2015
“The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it.” - ORWELL
Writer and philosopher George Orwell, more than anyone else, has had more of his observations and beliefs come true many years later.
According to middle eastern insider Walid Phares , Obama won't accelerate against ISIS especially after the French attacks is because his allegiance is to Iran and the Syrian regime. Hard to believe as it sounds, Iran will lose its hold if Suni moderates are taken out of key regions in Syria. Obama continues his 'no boots on ground' stance. This is a genuine failure of world leadership by Obama. When's the last time the U.S. had a president closer to the Arab extremist side than to the Western influence? So, it appears the Obama strategy is to side with the Cheri of Iran, turning away France's request for military help. Walid Phares is an American scholar of Lebanese origins. He is a professor and commentator on global terrorism. Above posters on sale
Low Expectations,
Middle East.ISIS,
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Bernie Sanders Notable Quotable 'Global Warming Caused the Terrorist Attacks'
QUOTE OF THE MONTH: We've heard some pretty wild stuff during the debates but Democrat, er, Socialist BERNIE SANDERS probably took the cake while proclaiming 'Global Warming Caused the Terrorist Attacks,' at the second Democratic Debate in at Drake University in Iowa. It may have taken away any remaining chance he could win the election, too. And... what timing, right after the tragic French mass terrorist killings for him to come out and make such a statement
Bernie Sanders,
Global Warming,
Terrorist Attacks
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
PEOPLE MAGAZINE reports Robins' Williams was weeks from going into a treatment facility, according to his wife,Very sad story but, be careful not to accept this as total truth. This version is coming from Williams's wife, of whom there have been more than indications of strained relations with her late husband. The fact that Susan Williams couldn't let her more mature ego at the door to avoid a public confrontation with Williams' kids AFTER his death gives us at least some reason there was more to the story than what she's telling us. In fact, Williams was perhaps the top actor and comedian of his time, a man devoid of the usual Hollywood trappings of ego and greed, a man for whom nobody had a bad word. It's quite possible that all that fast-paced, constant genius racinig through Williams took its toll early on his body and brain. But then again, perhaps with a little more TLC and proper care, Williams could have had at least t hose three years back. We may never know; would be good to hear more from the kids if and when they're ready to talk. And, of course, blaming Williams for taking his life should not even be part of the equation -even if we knew all the facts. Meanwhile we are left with Williams' legacy of movies and videos, though still yet too hard for this person to watch , but his loss will never be replaced and it came at a time when the world really needed him. Now that Robin is no longer her to speak for himself, please consider that when reading a story like the one that appears in PEOPLE >>>
Robin Williams,
Susan Williams,
Don't Expect Interest Rates to Rise Anytime Soon with Obama and his Mouthpiece, Yellen
It is unlikely Department of the Treasury head Janet Yellen will ever raise the national interest rate from ZERO, where it has been since Obama took office seven years ago. Yellen is a mere mouthpiece / tool for the Obamas, giving mere lip-service to what she is likely told to do and say. Like Donald Trump or not, he is one of the few and first to really 'tell it like it is' about the phony 'interest rate game' the Obamas are playing with the country. Hear Trump tell it best:
‘They are not raising rates because Obama has asked them not
to raise them because, in myopinion, he wants to get out of office because we are in a
bubble and when those rates are raised a lot of bad things are going to happen or potentially going to happen and in my opinion Janet Yellen (head of Treasury) is highly politicaland she’s not raising rates for a very specific reason because Obama told her not to because he wants to be out playing golf a year from now and he wants to be doing other things and he doesn’t want to see a big bubble burst during his administration.'
‘They are not raising rates because Obama has asked them not
to raise them because, in myopinion, he wants to get out of office because we are in a
bubble and when those rates are raised a lot of bad things are going to happen or potentially going to happen and in my opinion Janet Yellen (head of Treasury) is highly politicaland she’s not raising rates for a very specific reason because Obama told her not to because he wants to be out playing golf a year from now and he wants to be doing other things and he doesn’t want to see a big bubble burst during his administration.'
Donald Trump,
Interest Rate,
Janet Yellen,
Three Obama People Have Pleaded 'Fifth' - Most Since the Fifties(?)
...When assistant secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs' John Podesta told House Oversight Chairman Darrell Issa that “It’s a privilege to remain silent, sir' late October, 2013 it market the third time one of Obama's people had gone silent in testimony.
In June, Greg Rosemen, a deputy director at the IRS, refused to talk about his role in awarding contracts worth up to $500 million to a company owned by a friend whose business received veteran set-aside contract status based on a decades-old football injury.
A month earlier, Lois Lerner, former head of the IRS tax exempt division, declined to discuss the IRS scrutinizing nonprofit applications from tea party and other conservative groups.
None of these people were fired to the best of our knowledge or penalized. Lerner was recently dismissed from any charges after being investigated on alleged email corruption.
...It is likely the first time since the 1950s that we've so many Government officials 'Plead the Fifth' .....In the most famous indictment of a high political figure, President Richard Nixon for forced to resign office for erasing 15 minutes of tapes;contrast that to Hillary Clinton today erasing some 60,000 emails and probably getting away scot free as she runs as leading Democratic candicate for President. Times have changed...
In June, Greg Rosemen, a deputy director at the IRS, refused to talk about his role in awarding contracts worth up to $500 million to a company owned by a friend whose business received veteran set-aside contract status based on a decades-old football injury.
A month earlier, Lois Lerner, former head of the IRS tax exempt division, declined to discuss the IRS scrutinizing nonprofit applications from tea party and other conservative groups.
None of these people were fired to the best of our knowledge or penalized. Lerner was recently dismissed from any charges after being investigated on alleged email corruption.
...It is likely the first time since the 1950s that we've so many Government officials 'Plead the Fifth' .....In the most famous indictment of a high political figure, President Richard Nixon for forced to resign office for erasing 15 minutes of tapes;contrast that to Hillary Clinton today erasing some 60,000 emails and probably getting away scot free as she runs as leading Democratic candicate for President. Times have changed...
Obama's New Politically-Correct Label for Juvenile Delinguents
...They were known as 'Juvenile Delinquents' for decades, but now our President has made for yet another CHANGE in his long lexicon of new 'obama-babble.' No longer will kids with police records be referred to as juvenile delinquents but , get this, 'JUSTICE-INVOLVED YOUTH...'
Monday, November 2, 2015
New Speaker Paul Ryan Keeps 'Refreshing' Distance from Pelosi
Refreshing to See new Speaker Paul Ryan NOT fawning all over Dem leader Nancy Pelosi like his predecessor when she handed the gavel over to Ryan last week. Note how Ryan kept a good distance from Pelosi as she reaches out to him (waiting for a hug?) We saw a little too much of 'bed fellows' in former speaker John Boener smooching Pelosi. Yuk!Click here to subscribe to mailing list
bed fellows,
John Boehner,
Nancy Pelosi,
Paul Ryan
Where Is Gerorge (Stephanopolous That Is)- Left-wing 'News' Host?
![]() |
They should call it the Martha Raddatz show |
George Stephanopolous,
Martha Raddatz,
Sunday Morning,
This Week
CNBC Debate Exec Steel Was Close Clinton, Democratic Aide with Multiple Ties
The CNBC executive on site at the Republican debate hosted by CNBC last month was a guy named Brian Steel. What is so special about Steel?, according to Red State
Brian Steel worked in Bill Clinton’s White House as a domestic policy adviser to Vice President Al Gore.
But that’s not the only connection Steel has to the Clintons. Steel is married to Eileen Libutti, who is amanaging partner at New York City law firm Lewis Johs Avallone Aviles LLP. Libutti has donated $2,700 — the maximum contribution — to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.
In further checking, TV Newser reported that Steel had announced his impending resignation as PR executive aftere eight years at CBNC but gave no indication when the change would take place, obviously it would be after the Debate, at which he was, reported, present.
Brian Steel worked in Bill Clinton’s White House as a domestic policy adviser to Vice President Al Gore.Not only was Steel a high ranking official in the Clinton administration, his wife is a 'maxed out' Hillary 2016 donor.
His White House gig was one of three jobs that he held in the Clinton administration. He also worked in Clinton’s Department of Justice, where he served as Deputy Assistant Attorney General for Policy Development, and also worked as the associate director of the department’s Office of Public Affairs.
But that’s not the only connection Steel has to the Clintons. Steel is married to Eileen Libutti, who is amanaging partner at New York City law firm Lewis Johs Avallone Aviles LLP. Libutti has donated $2,700 — the maximum contribution — to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.
In further checking, TV Newser reported that Steel had announced his impending resignation as PR executive aftere eight years at CBNC but gave no indication when the change would take place, obviously it would be after the Debate, at which he was, reported, present.
Bill Clinton,
Brian Steel,
Clinton aide,
'Americans Eventually Gets Things Right...' - Churchilll via Ted Koppell ('Lights Out') Cyber Attack Warning
'Americans eventually gets things right,' said Winston Churchill, but only 'after they exhaust every other possibility trying.' Ted Koppel reminded us of this notable quotable on the Ronn Owens (KGO) radio show while discussing his new book, 'Lights Out,'which tells of the United States' ill preparation for a cyper attack that could criple large areas of America's power grid. In Koppel's interviews with 60 people closely connected with America's Homeland security, many admitted that a well-planned cyber attack could wreck havoc on large sections of America's power grid for large durations of time. As one of those interviewed told Koppel, America is a reactive society rather than a pro-active one.
'World's Most Expensive Gas Station' Cost Taxpayers $43 million,' according to NBC news...
'World's Most Expensive Gas Station' Cost Taxpayers $43 million,' according to NBC news... American taxpayers will cought up $43 million for a gas station constructed in Afghanistan, about $42.5 million higher than a similar one that cost $500K . The Department of Defense can't explain why the high cost, according to a new government report..
Defense Department,
Gas Station
Thursday, October 29, 2015
FOOD FOR THOUGHT... and a nice break during your busy day
FOOD FOR THOUGHT... and a nice break during your busy day ...
...Is Any One Out There, Pets, Animals, Wildlife, Peace, Nature, Gratitude
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Sportscaster Tony Kornheiser compares Tea Party to Isis!
Sportscaster Tony Kornheiser compares Tea Party to Isis!
Another stupid Sports broadcaster / pundit trying to give his political view.... Stick to sports, Tony
Sports Writer,
Tea Party,
Tony Kornheiser
CNBC’s John Harwood. Leftist Moderators Have No Business Handling Republican Debates

The Republican Party surrenders the process of a fair debate by allowing Democratic-leaning mainstream media including television's CNN, CNBC and any others but FOX to moderate and handle most of these debates. We've seen time and again moderators like Candy Crowley and Anderson Cooper ask leading questions OR fail to bring up key issues that may be deemed detrimental to the Democratic party. We see such moderators 'pit' candidates against each other on hot button issues that can only maKe the Republicans look bad. Key issues like terrorism and America's foreign relations are left out of questioning since it could have negative affect against what even many Democrats would consider the current administration's poor international record.
The media are even controlling advertising for the debate and who gets access to advertising and when. A guy named Harwood, a longtime Hillary Clinton defender who works for the New York Times and CNBC, will be key moderater in tonight's debate (10-28) on CNBC; Molly Hemmingway points in her FEDERALIST column today Harwood's many one-sided past 'news' items in her column today - SEE CNBC’s John Harwood Has No Business Moderating A GOP Presidential Debate The other strange issue is how the debate participants are determined by polls - and which polls?
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Eàrthquakes Schmearthquakes
They've been telling us, since the last big SF Quake in '89 (that's 1989), there would be an even bigger one in the 'next 30 years'. Now 25 years later they've suddenly lowered their expectations from 100% to 7% chance of another big one in the next 5 years. Some science...
And, oh, by the way, this is the first post in three years. We thought it time to start up a true 'three dot' blog that covers everything, not just our leader, Jack Benny's way of thinking (saving money with coupons). We'll get some more fresh material up sooner than later... Just give us a few moments.. but, if you want some history, see below what was happening three-plus years ago...
And, oh, by the way, this is the first post in three years. We thought it time to start up a true 'three dot' blog that covers everything, not just our leader, Jack Benny's way of thinking (saving money with coupons). We'll get some more fresh material up sooner than later... Just give us a few moments.. but, if you want some history, see below what was happening three-plus years ago...
San Francisco
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